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Corporate Training

“One of the best moments of working with new people is when they have their first energetic shift. When they feel in their body that the old program is gone. Sometimes it is a release of pain, or increased flexibility, sometimes it is a feeling of lightness. But helping people remember who we really are, this first experience is really special to share with someone.”

Dr Lauren E Pichard 

Corporate Event Option: The Resilience Training

The Resilience Training has two primary goals: to comprehensively educate staff on stress and it’s relationship to trauma and for staff to understand trauma responses in the mind and body. The training covers the impact of living within survival emotions long-term; and provides tools, training, and a shared cultural understanding of self-regulation and emotional resiliency to foster a healing workplace environment. The objective of this training is to support staff to have a healthy mental outlook, tap into their resiliency, and protect from burn out. An emotionally intelligent and resilient workforce is a more effective workforce.

Basic Elements of the Training

  1. Identify Symptoms Of Chronic Stress And Trauma
  2. dentify Core Spiritual, Mental, And Emotional Needs
  3. Review The Impact Of Living In Survival Emotions And With Chronic Stress/Trauma Response
  4. Increase Resiliency And Apply Healing Tools
  5. Deprogram Limiting Core Beliefs
  6. Correct Traumatic Experiences In The Subconscious Mind
  7. Learn and Apply Concepts of Self-Regulation
  8. CBT And Mental Health Therapeutic Strategies
  9. Tapping, Grounding, And Somatic Strategies
  10. Mindfulness Strategies
  11. Create A Shared Language And Set Of Protocols For Using Healing Tools In The Work Environment
  12. Each training includes an assessment and planning discussion with leadership to determine the main stressors in their environment, and ways to adapt the training to their unique needs as an organization.
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