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Shifting to Abundance, Harmony and Goals

This 3 Hours Of Energy Healing Includes Deep, Focused Healing To Reprogram Limiting Beliefs Around Money, Success and Prosperity:

  1. Targets 10 Common Patterns that Live Deep Within the Unconscious Mind that can Energetically Block You from Attracting Abundance: Value $3,000
  2. Integrates Split Energy so All is Directed to Your Goals: Value $1,500
  3. Teaches You How to Plant Your Goals in the Quantum Field and Change Your Energy to the Matching Energy of Your Goals: Value $3,000
  4. Bonus Material:
    • In the audios:
      • → Important Wording and Strategy for Setting Goals
      • → A Blessing to Align You to Your Life Path
      • → Peacemaking for Our Ancestors’ Debts
      • → Removal of Ancestral Curses Blocking Abundance
      • → Resolve Childhood Wounds Over Your Lifespan that Block Abundance
      • → Break Soul Contracts and Oaths to Povery from Past Lives and Your Ancestry
      • → Plus More: Value $2,500
    • In follow up emails to keep you on track:
      • → 8 powerful money making mantras to meditate and reprogram your subconscious mind
      • → 4 Practical beliefs about money to shift you into a prosperity mindset
      • → 7 extra topics to use on the harmony meditation (which you can use over and over again)- to align your subconscious beliefs with abundance
      • → Practical spiritual practices to use in your everyday life to keep money flowing to you!
      • Value over $500

Total Value: $10,500

BEST VALUE: Buy All 3 Today For $150

***That’s 3 hours of Intense Focused Healing for Less than The Cost of A Private Session!

This is a digital download product only.

This is for you if:

  • You’ve been feeling stuck in finances and want more abundance.
  • You are ready to break through personal and inherited financial limitations.
  • You want financial freedom- to buy what you want when you want it.
  • You are committed to self mastery.
  • You want to get the energy of poverty out of your life.
  • You want to leave a better legacy for your children and all your descendants.
  • You are ready to take action for the life you have been dreaming of.

Today: $150.00

Shifting to Abundance

Shifting to Financial Harmony

Shifting to the Matching Energy Of Your Goals

This is a digital download product only.

There is a spiritual concept that the root cause of suffering is fear; and that fear is the opposite of love. The deeper level of this concept is that most suffering and mental control programs on the planet are rooted in Poverty Mentality. The idea is that wealthy or poor- poverty mentality has a grip in most peoples’ minds. The wealthy people have fear of losing their position and may do greedy things to maintain it, leading many to be out of integrity by using the labor of others at unfair rates to stay ahead, some will even cheat, lie, or steal to get ahead, of having ego they are better than those with less money. The poor can be depressed, frustrated, feel trapped, striving to get their needs met, panicked when there is an unforeseen expense and are labeled the “Have Nots.” Neither of these extremes are in harmony and both judge each other unfairly (a projection of their own shadow).

Paramhansa Yogananda has said that because of greed we have poverty. These extremes keep the balance. But it is possible to have balance closer to the middle where everyone feels abundant, their needs are met, and their business or they are employed in a business with integrity.

This self help energy healing helps you identify and reprogram your subconscious mind and helps you bring yourself into harmony with greed and poverty and breaks through abundance blocks: curses, limiting beliefs and more and teaches you how to set goals and be an energy match for them.

This work helps to heal the lineage and ripples into the universal consciousness encouraging peace on the planet.

This is more than regular mindset coaching.

This is energy transformation with the spiritual education of the laws of abundance rooted in the psychology of a money mindset. People that are energy sensitive will feel the subtle shifts as the lower frequencies leave them and are resolved into balance.

This is a power packed healing over 3 hours and has follow up education in emails to ensure you stay on track.

It is so deep and so thorough that I recommend listening to it over time and not all at one setting so your body can adjust to the new energies.

You can benefit from the healings and meditations more than once and use them as a go to resource whenever you identify things are out of harmony or your future needs new clear goals on it.

You can also listen to it as a refresher from time to time when you need it and to keep your energy clean and prosperous or when you realize there is another dichotomy out of balance you can work with in the meditation I guide you through.


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Products are not FDA approved or intended to diagnose, treat or cure any illnesses. These self help products are to be used at your discretion. Results are not guaranteed; all sales are final.

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